Small Intestine Endoscopy
What is Small Intestine Endoscopy?
It is a procedure to examine the small intestine using a specially designed endoscope. The small intestine starts right below the stomach and extends to the upper parts of the large intestine.
- Upper Small Intestine Endoscopy: The endoscope is inserted through the mouth and stomach to reach the small intestine.
- Lower Small Intestine Endoscopy: The endoscope is inserted through the anus and rectum to reach the small intestine.
Uses of Small Intestine Endoscopy:
To examine the small intestine for:
- To examine the small intestine for:
- Searching for tumors in the small intestine.
- Unexplained malnutrition.
- Severe unexplained diarrhea.
To take samples from abnormal tissues in the small intestine, such as polyps and tumors.
For therapeutic purposes:
- Removing polyps and foreign bodies from the small intestine.
- Cauterizing sources of bleeding in the small intestine.
- Dilating narrow areas in the small intestine.
- For Upper Small Intestine Endoscopy:The doctor will advise fasting from food and drink for several hours before the procedure.
- For Lower Small Intestine Endoscopy:The colon must be emptied using a special diet and laxatives prescribed by the doctor before the procedure.
- In both cases, any regular blood-thinning medications such as aspirin should be stopped.
- Inform the doctor of any chronic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes before the procedure.
Side Effects:
- Abdominal fullness and bloating.
- Abdominal cramps.
- Nausea.
- Allergic reaction to the anesthetic.
- Bleeding in the intestines.
- Pancreatitis.
- Perforation in the wall of one of the organs the endoscope passes through.