Welcome to Dr.'s clinic. Muhammad Nabil Al-Qadi

Peptic Ulcers

Peptic Ulcers (Stomach and Duodenum)

Ulcers that affect the lining of the stomach and the upper part of the small intestine. The main symptom is "stomach pain."

Causes of peptic ulcers:

When should I suspect I have a peptic ulcer?


Severe symptoms:

When should I decide to visit a specialist?

When am I more likely to develop a peptic ulcer?

What complications can occur without proper diagnosis and treatment?


Diagnosis of peptic ulcers:

1- Lab tests for Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori)

2- Role of endoscopy in diagnosing peptic ulcers:

The doctor uses an endoscope to examine the upper digestive tract for ulcers. If an ulcer is found, a biopsy may be taken to check for H. pylori in the stomach lining.

Recommended if you are

3- Barium X-ray

Treatment of peptic ulcers

Lifestyle changes


Follow-up care is advised after initial treatment:

Repeating an upper endoscopy if an ulcer was detected before treatment to ensure it has healed.

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